Want to know what to buy?

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Q: I want to know if I can buy a blood pressure medication? How to choose?


A: I recommend you do not buy an antiseptic. To relieve a sore throat may seem difficult, but I explain it. There are many types of sore throat. This will help relieve sore throat to vary.

            – Local anesthetics are not high. Used to cause numbness in the throat. Relieve short-term sore throat, such as Benzocaine, Amylocaine, Lidocaine

            – painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Flurbiprofen, Benzydamine hydrochloride, Menthol

             – antimicrobial / antimicrobial agents, antiseptic / disinfactants To clean the mouth and throat. Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Benzethonium Chloride, Chlorhexidine, Benzyl Alcohol

             – Antibiotics or antibiotics. Antibiotics have anti-bacterial properties such as Neomycin, Tyrothricin, Bacitracin. Most sore throat 70-90% caused by infection. So do not take antibiotics (Neomycin, Tyrothricin, Bacitracin) Killing all forms of bacteria. Single or mixed pills Because there is no benefit to treatment. Antibiotics do not help cure sore throat. And do not help sterilize the neck because too small amount of drug to kill. Bacteria However, swallowing antibiotics is little enough to disrupt the pathogen. And mutations. Resistant to bacteria.

           Most people often experience antibiotics with antibiotics. Symptoms improved. Relieve sore throat well. It is because the drug is mixed with other drugs. Such as analgesic, painkillers do not hurt the neck for a period of time is not cured, so it should be taken to relieve sore throat with other ingredients are enough. No need for antibiotics. However, follow the instructions listed on the label. Strictly All drugs are dangerous, such as drug use, drug allergy. Drug use in young children Pregnant or lactating women Or people with certain diseases that do not use drugs.